picture of Icarus Night XL

Na het succes van vorige editie met oa A Winged Victory For The Sullen nodigt de Icarus crew dit jaar artiesten van het hippe Denovali label uit: Greg Haines (Uk), Poppy Ackroyd (Uk) & Sankt Otten (De). Daarnaast lanceert Icarus Records (ism Vynilla Vinyl) ook de nieuwe plaat 'Wasteland' van de Antwerpse band Stray Dogs. Die zullen hun laatse worp voorstellen op deze avond met een speciale visual show van het Anti Vj collectief uit Brussel.

Get your tickets here: http://www.democrazy.be/en/agenda/icarus-night-xl-greg-haines-poppy-ackroyd-sankt-otten-stray-dogs-albumvoorstelling


Stray Dogs is a Belgian duo consisting of Koenraad Ecker (cello, guitars, electronics) and Frederik Meulyzer (percussion, electronics).

With a long?standing musical relationship as foundation, they operate on the fringes of electronic, dub & experimental music, combining an awareness of detail and texture with intense physicality into a sound?world that needs to be felt as much as heard.

Their debut album « Intangible States » was released in december 2010 to critical, acclaim saying : "Stray Dogs' music succesfully throws shards of dub, semi-abstract avant-garde, krautrockgroove and twisted electronica in the blender" ( Guy Peters, Enola magazine)

"Wasteland", to be released in September 2013 on Icarus Records/Vynilla Vinyl, is an altogether more stripped down, industrial and ritualistic affair than "Intangible States". The sound materials used on this album were recorded at a desacralised church in Antwerp, exploiting its different acoustic spaces to the fullest, and pieced together in the studio. The result sounds somewhere between ritual drumming, dub echoes and disintegrating orchestras, featuring percussion, cello, prepared acoustic & electric guitars and analog hardware.

STRAY DOGS (BE) with visuals by Yannick Jacquet (Legoman - ANTIVJ)



Over the course of seven years, British born and Berlin based composer Greg Haines has carved out an intensely beautiful corner in the vast and ever-growing musical world. He has surprised music lovers around the globe with his unique and overtly personal approach to creating and performing a very patient and contemplative music, and with his numerous projects with other musicians and choreographers, including 2012's collaboration with the Dutch National Ballet and choreographer David Dawson, and his ongoing work with The Alvaret Ensemble.

“Where We Were” (out now on Denovali Records) may come as a surprise upon first listen. The cascading strings that played such an important role in his prior work have disappeared, and in there place are intricate layers of tape-worn synthesizers. Any recordings of piano have been transformed and affected until their sound is at times barely recognizable. Moments of quiet, slowmoving textures can still be found, but they are nestled between upbeat, rhythmically-driven tracks that at times could even be considered for deployment on open-minded dancefloors.



Poppy Ackroyd is a performer and composer from London who is currently based in Edinburgh, Scotland. Classically trained on violin and piano, she fell in love with contemporary piano music and with the piano beyond the keys, discovering the world of sound that could be made from other parts of the instrument. Realising the violin had the same potential, she has spent the last few years composing delicate, intricate and beautifully atmospheric music by manipulating and multi-tracking sounds from these two instruments.

Her debut album 'Escapement' (out now on Denovali Records), referring to the release of emotions through the piano, stays true to this idea. Every sound, with the exception of a few field recordings, is created using only either the piano or the violin.



The German instrumental duo Sankt Otten - consisting of Stephan Otten (drums, programming, synthesizers) and Oliver Klemm (guitars, bass, synthesizers) - joined Denovali Records' roster in 2009. With as much as 6 full length albums under their belt since 1999, their upcoming 7th longplayer 'Messias Maschine' is something particularly special as it features collaborations with various pioneers and great exponents of electronic and avantgarde music.

Last summer on one of their live shows Sankt Otten met Harald Grosskopf (Ashra, Klaus Schulze), and motivated them to invite other musicians to contribute to their 'Messias Maschine' release : Ulrich Schnauss, Jaki Liebezeit (Can, Burnt Friedman) and Christoph Clöser (Bohren und Der Club Of Gore). By mixing their unique melancholy with ingredients of contemporary synth-music and the heritage of German pioneers of progressive electronic music, Sankt Otten is moving Krautrock into 2013.
